Location: S.R.Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana

Stock Market Abbreviations

ADBAsian Development Bank
ADRsAmerican Depository Receipts
AIFIsAll India Financial Institutions
ALBMAutomated Lending and Borrowing Mechanism
ALBRSAutomated Lending and Borrowing under Rolling Settlement
AMCAsset Management Company
AMFIAssociation of Mutual Funds in India
ASCAccounting Standards Committee
ASBAApplications Supported by Blocked Amount
ATSsAlternative trading system
BIFRBoard for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BISBank for International Settlement
BLESSBorrowing and Lending Securities Scheme
BMCBase Minimum Capital
BSEThe Stock Exchange, Mumbai
CBDTCentral Board of Direct Taxes
CCClearing Corporation
CCILClearing Corporation of India Limited
CDsCertificate of Deposits
CDSLCentral Depository Services (India) Limited
CFMCarry Forward Margin
CFRSCarry Forward under Rolling Settlement
CHClearing House
CIMCCollective Investment Management Company
CISsCollective Investment Schemes
CIVsCollective Investment Vehicles
CLFCollateralized Lending Facility
CMClearing Member
CMSegment Capital Market Segment of NSE
CMIECentre for Monitoring Indian Economy
COSICommittee on Settlement Issues
COTICommittee of Trade Issues
CPCustodial Participant
CPsCommercial Papers
CRAsCredit Rating Agencies
CRISILCredit Rating Information Services of India Limited
CRRCash Reserve Ratio
CSDCollateral Security Deposit
CSECalcutta Stock Exchange
DCADepartment of Company Affairs
DDBsDeep Discount Bonds
DEADepartment of Economic Affairs
DFIsDevelopment Financial Institutions
DNSDeferred Net Settlement
DPsDepository Participants
DRRDebenture Redemption Reserve
DSCEDebt Securities Convertible into Equity
DVPDelivery versus Payment
ECBEuro Commercial Borrowings
ECNSElectronic communication Networks
EDGARElectronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval
EDIFARElectronic Data Information Filing and Retrieval
EFTElectronic Fund Transfer
ELSSEquity Linked Saving Schemes
EPSEarning Per Share
ETFsExchange Traded Funds
F&OFutures and Options
FCCBsForeign Currency Convertible Bonds
FDIForeign Direct Investment
FDRsForeign Deposit Receipts
FDsFixed Deposits
FIBVInternational World Federation of Stock Exchanges
FIIsForeign Institutional Investors
FIMMDAFixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association
FIsFinancial Institutions
FRAsForward Rate Agreements
FVCIsForeign Venture Capital Investors
GDPGross Domestic Product
GDRsGlobal Deposit Receipts
GDSGross Domestic Savings
GNPGross National Product
GOIGovernment of India
G-SecGovernment Securities
I-BEXICICI Securities Bond Index
IBRDInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ICAIInstitute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICDRIssue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements
ICICIIndustrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited.
ICSEInter-Connected Stock Exchange of India Limited
IDBIIndustrial Development Bank of India
IFCInternational Finance Corporation
IFSDInterest Free Security Deposit
IIMIndian Institute of Management
IISLIndia Index Services and Products Limited
IOCImmediate or Cancel
IOSCOInternational Organization of Securities Commission
IPFInvestor Protection Fund
IPOInitial Public Offer
IRDAInsurance Regulatory and Devevlopment Authority
IRSInterest Rate Swap
ISINInternational Securities Identification Number
ISSAInternational Securities Services Association
ITInformation Technology
LAFLiquidity Adjustment Facility
LICLife Insurance Corporation of India Limited
MCFSModified Carry Forward System
MFsMutual Funds
MFSSMutual Fund Service System
MIBIDMumbai Inter-bank Bid Rate
MIBORMumbai Inter-bank Offer Rate
MMMFMoney Market Mutual Fund
MNCsMulti National Companies
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
NASDAQNational Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System
NAVNet Asset Value
NBFCsNon-Banking Financial Companies
NCAERNational Council for Applied Economic Research
NCDsNon-convertible Debentures
NCFMNSE’s Certification in Financial Markets
NDSNegotiated Dealing System
NEATNational Stock Exchange Automated Trading
NGOsNon Government Organizations
NIBISNSE’s Internet-based Information System
NICNational Informatics Centre
NPAsNon Performing Assets
NRIsNon Resident Indians
NSCCLNational Securities Clearing Corporation of India Limited
NSDLNational Securities Depository Limited
OCBsOverseas Corporate Bodies
OECLOBOpen Electronic Consolidated Limit Order Book
OISOvernight Index Swaps
ORSOrder Routing System
OTCOver the Counter
OTCEIOver the Counter Exchange of India Limited
OTMOut-of the-Money
P/E ratioPrice Earning Ratio
PANPermanent Account Number
PCMProfessional Clearing Member
PDAIPrimary Dealers Association of India
PDOPublic Debt Office
PDsPrimary Dealers
PRIPrincipal Return Index
PRISMParallel Risk Management System
PSUsPublic Sector Undertakings
PVPresent Value
QIBsQualified Institutional Buyers
RBIReserve Bank of India
ROCsRegistrar of Companies
RTGSReal time Gross Settlement
S&PStandard and Poor’s
SATSecurities Appellate Tribunal
SC(R)ASecurities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
SC(R)RSecurities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957
SCMRDSociety for Capital Market Research and Development
SDsSatellite Dealers
SEBISecurities and Exchange Board of India
SECSecurities Exchange Commission
SGFSettlement Guarantee Fund
SGLSubsidiary General Ledger
SGX-DTThe Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited
SIPCSecurities Investor Protection Corporation
SLRStatutory Liquidity Ratio
SPANStandard Portfolio Analysis of Risks
SPVSpecial Purpose Vehicle
SROsSelf Regulatory Organizations
SSSSecurities Settlement System
STPStraight Through Processing
STRIPSSeparate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
SUS 99Special Unit Scheme 99
T-BillsTreasury Bills
TDSTax Deducted at Source
TMTrading Member
TRITotal Return Index
UTIUnit Trust of India
VARValue at Risk
VCFsVenture Capital Funds
VCUsVenture Capital Undertakings
VSATVery Small Aperture Terminal
WANWide Area Network
WAPWireless Application Protocol
WDMWholesale Debt Market Segment of NSE
YTMYield to Maturity
ZCYCZero Coupon Yield Curve